The Scottish Food Surveillance Database is the rebranded and updated version of SFSD and Database.
SFSD has been updated the with new client features and new capabilities on the back-end which will allow the system to deliver better reporting and scalability going forward.
This update is the first stage in the upgrade process which will allow for future features to be implemented such as a new reporting portal and greater integration with the Scottish National Database
The Scottish Food Sampling Database is commissioned and funded by the Food Standards Scotland. The surveillance system involves local authorities submitting food and animal feeds samples along with the samples dataset entered into the network application (SFSD System) to the frontline laboratories. Laboratories, on completion of the required analysis, will upload all sampling and analysis data into the central database. The central database is accessed through a secure web server allowing different levels of access by contributing local authorities, laboratories and the Food Standards Scotland.
Sample Data
Data gathering by EHOs/TSOs/FSOs will be conducted in the field and entered into the network application (SFSD System) along with sample identifiers. Samples will be identified and submitted to an associated public analyst or Public Health laboratory. All laboratories participating in this system are UKAS accredited and on the EU Official List for food law enforcement.
Sample Analysis
The laboratories will perform the appropriate analysis/examination and enter the results in to their local database system.
Data will be extracted from the network application into the corresponding laboratory database. The data is uploaded into the Centralised Food Analysis Database (CFAD). Should there be any inconsistencies identified by laboratory personnel in certain key field’s laboratory personnel will carry out the necessary amendments. All amendments are duly reported back to the originating local authority/council.
Data Abstraction and Reporting
The individual local authority’s surveillance and analysis data will be available for querying using the network application SFSD System. Comparisons across Scotland can be made via the secure website by all partner organisations e.g. local authorities/councils, regional food groups, public analysts, public health laboratories and FSS. The database may be accessed and queried, and reports produced using an authorised user name and password.
You can request access by emailing