Main Window

Menus are accessed at the top of the screen and clicking on the following buttons can access common functions. These can also be accessed in the File menu.

main screen

SFSD Main Screen

Personality change It is now possible to switch between Animal Feed and Food sample input personalities without closing the application, the type of sample you wish to work on can be selected from the dropdown menu located at the top right of the application window.

New Sample Used to enter a new feed sample into the system.

Browse Samples Used to view feed samples that are already in the system.

Sample Templates Used to view feed samples that have been created in the system.

Shortcut Keys & Handy Tips

The application follows standard Windows design concepts.


Moves forward from the current control to the next in the tab order


Moves back to the previously selected control


Moves forward to the next data-entry screen


Closes currently open form


Closes currently open form


Opens a lookup dialog for the selected field


New Record


Edits selected record


Saves with validation to record being edited/inserted


Saves without validation to record being edited/inserted


Previous data-entry screen


Next data-entry screen

Some other hints:
  • Right click to show standard options – “undo”, “cut”, “Copy”, “Paste” and “Select all”. These options word as they do throughout Windows

  • Use the F9 key to move to the the previous tab, and the F10 key to move to the next.

  • Click on the a tab’s header to select it.

  • All drop down/reference fields are identified by a downward pointing arrow.

  • Click on the dropdown field or press the ENTER when it is focused to show the options of the dropdown.

  • Use [TAB] to move to the next data entry field, or [SHIFT][TAB] to move to the previous one.